Suitable Floor Constructions:
Timber Suspended

Aluminium Spreader Plates:
Our Aluminum Spreader Plates are 1000x395mm and they are suitable for Timber Suspended Floor with floor joists at 400mm centres. It's essential that insulation is installed between the joists, as close as to the underside of the plates as possible. Usually a minimum of 100mm of mineral wool insulation is used, however, where relevant, the insulation used must comply with current Part L and Part E of the Building Regulations.
Plates normally cover approximately 80% of the floor area and are only laid under straight runs of pipe. Ensure all insulation and battening work is installed and complete before laying plates down. Check to ensure the correct number of plates are evenly spread out across the heated area before fixing. Leave a minimum 300mm gap from the wall to enable the pipe to bend 180° around.
When the required area is covered with plates fix them down with a staple gun or tacks and lay down the pipe into the grooves in the plates. With this system the flow temperature on the mixing valve should be set up for 55°C. If your joists are not spaced at 400mm please let us know as we can provide any size of spreader plates, to match client individual requirements.
Lay the plates down without fixing. Plates should never touch each other, as they expand when heated so ensure that you leave a gap between ends and sides of each plate.
Screed Infill /Drymix:
Drymix - 8:1 damp sand/cement biscuit mix, 20-25mm thick. The Drymix is needed for Ground Floor, older buildings and if concrete floor and timber suspended floor are on the same floor.
Always check if your floor can take an extra load of the Drymix (20kg/m2).
Drymix infill system:
Doesn't increase floor height but joist notches are required for pipe to pass from bay to bay. Min 50mm of insulation (Kingspan or Celotex-refer to building regulations) must be installed between the joists.
When joists centres are 400mm, pipe is clipped into insulation at 200mm centres (unless other specified) with pipe clips.